We're always looking to expand our pool of talent. We want passionate, dedicated, affable people who love working with our clients to make their home-owning dreams a reality. Making that deep connection with your clients is something few jobs can offer.


For your expertise, we offer:


  • Competitive compensation
  • Positive and relaxed work environment
  • Tutelage from experienced agents
  • Prestige of working at a boutique real estate company

Bridges Real Estate is also a dynamic workplace when you're not showing our numerous clients gorgeous properties. We urge you to come check us out – you'll be surprised by how un-like other offices we really are.


Kristine REyes

Broker, MBA

I work with motivated clients who demand service that is simply the best

Call me today to get started

(925) 899-0448





job opportunities

DenaE Silverman

Real Estate Agent

Denae gives her clients star treatment.  

Her experience, work ethic and caring personality   

Kristine Reyes officially starts Bridges Real Estate and becomes a short sale specialist and stops foreclosures for many clients.


Kristine changes companies  and achieves awards including the 100% award and President's Club as she expands her residential business

who we are

 Top Agents

Denae Silverman joined  Bridges Real Estate.  She brought with her 19 years of real estate experience.   Present day, Denae and Kristine are  still out there selling houses, and making dreams come true.     



real estate

Kristine Reyes,  our founder and broker sells her first home  at age 18 through email marketing, sparking a passion for finding the right house for the right person.  She receives her first award from Prudential for her success in Real Estate.

Everyone remembers the first house they moved in to – whether it was as a child with your family, as a university student with friends, or with your spouse – because your home is a piece of your identity.


At Bridges Real Estate, we understand the importance of that link and make sure that you're incredibly happy with your home and its value as a long-term investment.


By doing more than just selling you a home and working with you as a partner, we do what we can to make that succeed.


our historY